In previous blog posts here and here , I criticized UK financial regulators for missing simple leverage and margin requirements in UK pension funds. To be clear, I don't criticize the people. The point is, if after 10 years …
From WSJ California Gov. Gavin Newsom ....recently put a temporary freeze on $1 billion of state grants for city and county homelessness programs....the measures would have reduced homelessness statewide by 2% between 2020 and …
One of the most important and under-reported struggles under the radar is the politicization of administrative agencies, and the effort to cement via those agencies policies that Congress will never vote for, but that once enshri…
Continuing a series on rot and politicization in administrative agencies... "Sure" comments on Marginal Revolution are fascinating. My excerpts: The reasons you cannot change the CDC have little to do with remote work.…
While the rest of the Fed climbs on the maybe-anvils-might-fall-from-the sky climate financial risk fantasy, Chris Waller has the courage in Haiku-simple prose to state that the emperor has no clothes. I cannot support this i…
(at Project Syndicate ) The Liz Truss Tragedy The former British prime minister’s downfall holds important lessons for growth-minded policymakers in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere. While her diagnosis of the country’s e…
Two pieces stood out from some weekend internet meandering. Marginal Revolution points to an excellent long letter from Dan Wang on China. A trenchant part of Dan's essay is, curiously, a few reflections on America. Not ba…
On the same page in today's WSJ: One third of DC bus riders don't bother to pay the fare . Also in New York . The State Department is so dysfunctional that processing visa requests takes years . In New Delhi, an appoint…
Ukraine, of course, with Congressman Mike Gallagher, who occasionally gets a wise word in edgewise. If the above embed doesn't work, direct link here at the Hover website, along with podcast for audiophiles.