The Fed Cannot Cure Inflation by Itself , Wall Street Journal June 28 2022 This is the original version, before WSJ edits. They made it shorter, but I think this version is better. The Fed cannot cure this inflation alone. Relyi…
(at Project Syndicate ) The Liz Truss Tragedy The former British prime minister’s downfall holds important lessons for growth-minded policymakers in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere. While her diagnosis of the country’s e…
Phil Gramm and John Early have a new WSJ oped, based on their smashing new book . Both are based on an astounding fact: The numbers used by the Census Bureau, and countless following researchers, to define income inequality and …
I wrote a review of Stuart Kirk's climate finance speech , which among other things criticized the Dutch Central Bank for putting fingers on the scale in order to make "climate financial risk" look bigger than it is…
Charles Calomiris has a splendid WSJ review of a great book, " The Myth of American Inequality " by by Phil Gramm, Robert Ekelund and John Early. It is a "'a truth universally acknowledged,' according to t…