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Showing posts with the label TaxesShow all
The Fed Needs Fiscal Help

The Fed Cannot Cure Inflation by Itself , Wall Street Journal June 28 2022 This is the original version, before WSJ edits. They made it shorter, but I think this version is better.  The Fed cannot cure this inflation alone. Relyi…

Remember Truss Tragedy

(at Project Syndicate ) The Liz Truss Tragedy The former British prime minister’s downfall holds important lessons for growth-minded policymakers in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere. While her diagnosis of the country’s e…

Gramm, Early and the Unfixable Problem

Phil Gramm and John Early have a new WSJ oped, based on their smashing new book . Both are based on an astounding fact: The numbers used by the Census Bureau, and countless following researchers, to define income inequality and …

Climate Finance Emperor Update

I wrote a review of Stuart Kirk's climate finance speech , which among other things criticized the Dutch Central Bank for putting fingers on the scale in order to make "climate financial risk" look bigger than it is…

Calomiris on Gramm Ekelund and Early on Income Distribution.

Charles Calomiris has a splendid WSJ review of a great book, " The Myth of American Inequality " by by Phil Gramm, Robert Ekelund and John Early. It is a "'a truth universally acknowledged,' according to t…

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