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Showing posts with the label Digital TransformationShow all
Product recommendations in Digital Age

By 1994 the web has come to our doors bringing  the power of online world at our doorsteps. Suddenly there was a way to buy things directly and efficiently online. Then came eBay and Amazon in 1995....... Amazon started as bookst…

Digital Transformation helping to reduce patient's readmission

Digital Transformation is helping all the corners of life and healthcare is no exception. Patients when discharged from the hospital are given verbal and written instructions regarding their post-discharge care but many of them …

Digital Transformation – Age of Instant Gratification!!

Remember the scenario of 1990s office environment: We had our family photos pined on the board, Our contacts were written by our hands and arranged in alphabetical order for easy retrieval, For calling anyone we used to have one …

Digital Transformation in Utilities sector

It is easy to take for granted the technology we have at our disposal. We flick a switch and the lights go on, we turn on the tap and clean water comes out. We don’t have to worry about gas for cooking. But today the Utilities in…

What is Deep Learning?

Remember how you started recognizing fruits, animals, cars and for that matter any other object by looking at them from our childhood?  Our brain gets trained over the years to recognize these  images and then further classify th…

Do you know what is powerful real-time analytics?

In the Digital age today, world has become smaller and faster.  Global audio & video calls which were available only in corporate offices, are now available to common man on the smartphone. Consumers have more information of…

All You Need To Know About Business Models in Digital Transformation

In very simple terms, the Business model is how you plan to make money from your business.  A refined version is how you create and deliver value to customers. Your strategy tells you where you want to go and the business model t…

Ali Baba's magic - Open Sesame and Digital Transformation

Do you still remember our childhood story of Ali Baba and 40 thieves? “Open Sesame” was the magical phrase that a poor woodcutter Ali Baba uttered, to open the door of a secret cave in which 40 thieves had hidden bags of gold and…

This is how Analytics is changing the game of Sports!!

Analytics and Big Data have disrupted many industries, and now they are on the edge of scoring major points in sports. Over the past few years, the world of sports has experienced an explosion in the use of analytics Till few y…

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