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Using Translation in the Classroom

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    Using Translation in the Classroom

    This article looks at the pros and cons of using and teaching translation in the classroom. It was originally part of our Delta Module One course and it discusses the questions:

    a)      Why is translation often avoided
    in the language classroom ?

    What are the advantages of / reasons for using translation in
    the classroom

    You might like to read it in conjunction with a related post on Using the L1 in the Classroom. And other useful articles on the topic can be found here, and here (including the comments).

    Section a

    Reasons why translation (whether of individual items or as a skill in its own
    is often avoided include:

    1. It is often equated with the grammar
    translation approach which, in an attempt to make modern language learning
    academically acceptable, modelled its methodology on that used to teach
    classical Greek and Latin – which was seen as an intellectual exercise where
    difficulty was to be welcomed  and not
    as  a “practical” subject where
    communicative ability was the aim. In reaction to this, the Direct Method,
    faced in the early 20th century with the need to teach migrants from a large number of L1 groups
    outlawed both rule-based instruction and
    translation as methodological techniques, replacing them with a method intended
    to favour acquisition rather than learning. This attitude was not questioned
    until the 1970s and 80s, and even today many teachers still believe that the L1
    should not be used in the classroom, that bilingual dictionaries should be
    discouraged and that learners should be
    encouraged to “think” in English.

    2. Teachers may avoid translation if they
    do not speak the language of the learners in front of them as they have no way
    of checking that the translation is accurate – learners may have been misled by
    false cognates, by polysemy etc. Misunderstanding the concept when the T is
    unable to pick it up may cause confusion and hinder further learning.Other forms of concept check would therefore
    be preferable - for example, to check that Ls understood the meaning of attic, they could be shown a picture of
    an attic and one of a cellar and asked to choose which was the attic. 

    3. This will also be important in contexts
    where the T. is expected to be the “knower” and able to impart all necessary
    information to learners – eg in SE Asian situations. Being unable to answer a
    L’s questions about the exact translation might cause the T to lose the
    confidence of the learners.

    Ts may not want the Ls to become over-dependent on translation as there
    are times when there is no exact equivalent in the L1. For example, haggis can be explained in Italian but not translated, while pronto soccorso translates as, and can
    mean, first aid, but is also the name
    given to an A&E department in an Italian hospital. 

    5. Over-dependence on translation in the
    classroom may lead to Ls failing to develop coping strategies such as
    paraphrasing, asking for clarification etc (ie negotiating meaning) – a skill
    they will need to have acquired when they are in a real communicative situation
    outside the classroom.These
    coping strategies are emphasised in the Communicative Approach as being
    essential for successful communication in an L2.  

    6. This negotiation of meaning will also
    mean greater cognitive involvement, with the result that learning will be more
    effective. Swain’s “Output Hypothesis” suggests that
    it is by failing to communicate meaning that Ls “notice” that their
    use of the language is not effective, and in attempting to remediate it “learn”
    what formulation of the language works to ensure comprehensibility. 

    7. Encouraging students to develop the
    skills involved in negotiating meaning also means they become more autonomous – they can
    depend on their own skills and are less reliant on other students/the teacher
    to translate. Since the 1980’s Humanistic Approaches have
    emphasised that developing autonomous learning skills leads to more effective
    learning as learners can continue to use them outside the classroom, without
    needing the presence of a teacher. 

    8. Especially in a monolingual learning
    situation, students may have little exposure to English outside the classroom
    and little opportunity to use the L1. Classroom use of English both by the T
    and students should therefore be maximised. By listening to the T’s explanations, they
    are receiving exposure to natural, spontaneous language use which they will not
    encounter elsewhere, especially at a lower level where eg internet based
    materials will be too difficult for them. This type of “comprehensible input” is, according to Krashen, essential for acquisition. 

    9.  The T considers that translation is
    the “easy” approach to conveying meaning, and that approaches that require more
    cognitive effort, such as working out meaning from context will result in
    greater retention.

    10. If in a
    multilingual class the T. spoke the languages of some but not all the learners,
    and used translation for them, they might be perceived as discriminating
    against the others, causing resentment and a negative classroom dynamic.


    Section b

    The advantages of and reasons for
    using translation include:

    11. When possible, translating
    an unknown word can be much quicker than trying to explain it – especially with
    low-level learners who might have difficulty understanding the explanation.
    Class time is limited and therefore best spent on clarifying and then
    practising the target language in the most efficient way possible. It would,
    for example, take much longer to explain the exact meaning of the word starling than simply to translate it
    into the learner’s L1. 

    12. Even when the teacher does explain the
    unknown word, it is common for the first learner to understand to call out the
    translation in the L1 and for the rest of the class to sigh with relief.  I too find that when encountering new words
    in other languages, I automatically try and think of the English equivalent. I
    exploit this natural tendency in my classes by explaining the word, but then
    nominating a learner (not the strongest) and asking what they think it is in
    Italian. This gets “the best of both worlds” as they all have to listen to and
    try and understand the meaning from the explanation in case they are the one
    called upon, but excessive time is not wasted if some learners haven’t

    13. Some learners need to develop
    interpreting/translating skills and these should therefore be taught in the
    classroom.  This was the case of eg a learner I had who
    worked as personal assistant to  a high
    ranking politician who occasionally had to attend EU meetings. The politician
    was at A2 level and her PA (who was at C2 level) had to interpret for her
    during spontaneous conversations. 

    14. Translation activities can be an
    efficient form of controlled practice as they can highlight the differences between
    L1 and L2. For example, in Italian a sentence like I have lived here for three years would use a present simple verb.
    An activity which asks the learners to translate ten or so sentences like this,
    half from English to Italian and half from Italian to English, highlights the
    difference and makes it more memorable

    15. When students are trying to say something but
    having difficulty, they can say it in their own language and the teacher can
    reformulate it for them (3), possibly rephrasing and simplifying to show them
    how they could have expressed themselves within the language they already know. 

    16. If the teacher does not speak the students’
    language, it can be useful for them (the students) to have a bilingual
    dictionary in the classroom so that they can double check their comprehension
    of lexical explanations. 



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