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Lexical Chunks (1) Suggested Answers

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    This task asks you to analyse the form and use of various lexical chunks from a novel. For the full text of the task, see here.

    Cold sweat

    Form : Adjective cold 
    + singular 
    countable common noun sweat

    Semantic use : Collocation indicating the
    physical manifestation of a state of anxiety.

    Syntactic use :  Part of the noun
     a cold sweat, with cold used attributively to pre-modify sweat (head of the noun phrase).
    The noun phrase acts as 
    object in the clause


    Lexical Chunks (1) Suggested Answers

    Spread eagled

    Form : Past participle of the transitive,
    regular verb to spread-eagle  (Longman Dictionary of
    Contemporary English). Example from Lextutor :
    I found a trooper once the Apache had SPREAD-EAGLED on an
    ant hill

    Syntactic use : here used as part of the passive
    construction to be spread-eagled. 

    Semantic use :  Used to describe the position
    of the protagonist - ie with arms and legs outstretched in the form of a cross
    (similar to an eagle in flight with its wings outstretched).


    Turned her attention

    Form : Semi-fixed lexical chunk
    composed of:

    regular lexical verb turn (here in past simple form – base form of the verb + -ed
    suffix). Is occasionally substituted by one of a small number of other verbs
    with similar meaning – eg switch, shift.

    + possessive noun or (usually) determiner (here,
    3rd person singular, feminine possessive determiner her)

    + uncountable
    singular abstract noun attention.  

    Here used as the verb phrase
    (main verb + object) in the clause


    At hand

    Formprepositional phrase composed of
    simple preposition at (head of prepositional phrase) plus
    singular uncountable noun hand (complement of prepositional

    Use : Postmodifies the noun phrase the matter, and can be
    seen as a reduced relative clause (one where both the relative pronoun and the
    verb BE have been
    ellipted )  the matter which was at hand. Fixed lexical chunk  expressing
    the idea the matter which needed immediate attention.


    In particular

    Form : Fixed lexical chunk – a polyword. Adverbial
    (restrictive adjunct) composed of preposition in  +  noun particular,
    (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English).

    : Quirk
    et al (A Grammar of Contemporary English, Section 8.16) point out that while
    other restrictive adjuncts such as only  ”can either precede or follow the part on
    which they are focused”,  in particular, “favours a position after
    the focused part” – as happens here.



    Form: adjective lame + singular countable common noun attempt

    : Semi-fixed collocation. Semi-fixed
    because other collocations with a very similar meaning exist, such as weak attempt or feeble attempt. Similarly, there are other expressions with lame -
    eg a lame excuse (Longman
    Dictionary of Contemporary English). This is a metaphorical use of the
    word lame. Lame literally means unable to walk properly, so by
    extension  a lame attempt, or a lame excuse is
    one that functions badly.

    Syntactic use: Part of the noun phrase “a babbling, lame attempt”, where “lame” is used attributively to modify “attempt” (head of the noun phrase). The
    full noun phrase acts as subject complement  in the clause.


    Failed miserably


    a) failed - past simple verb - base form of regular verb  fail plus
    regular past suffix -ed

    b) miserably – adverb of manner derived from the
    adjective miserable with suffix - ly replacing
    final -le

    Semantic use : Fixed lexical chunk, a collocation, expressing the
    concept of having failed totally.


    a) Failed = main verb in the clause.

    b) Miserably = acts as an
    intensifier for the verb


    Under arrest

    Form : Prepositional
    : preposition under
    plus singular countable noun arrest.

    : Semi
    collocation. When
    used to mean in the state of being XXXed,
    collocates with a number of other nouns - eg under control/suspicion/investigation etc. (Longman Dictionary of
    Contemporary English)

    : Acts
    as an
    adverbial in
    the clause.


    Private plane

    Form Semi-fixed lexical chunk consisting of adjective (private)    +  singular countable common noun in clipped form (ie plane rather than aeroplane). 

    Semantic use: Collocation expressing the concept of a plane owned by an individual 
    rather than an airline. Only semi-fixed as the alternative personal
     exists, although it is much less commonly used. Similarly the
    noun may change to describe the specific type of plane - eg private jet

    Syntactic use:  Here, part of the noun phrase "a private plane",  with private used attributively to pre-modify plane (head of the noun phrase). The noun phrase acts as object in the clause. 


    Take off

    Form: Intransitive phrasal

    (verb + adverb). Infinitive form of irregular verb take following the infinitive particle to.

    Used as non-finite
    of the catenative

    construction permit someone/something to do something


    Flight plan

    Form : Compound noun composed of two singular, countable nouns flight +

    use :
    Here acts as object of the non-finite verb registering.


    Traffic Controller

    Form :   Compound noun composed of uncountable noun traffic  + countable noun (here, singular) controller. 

    Use :

    §  Discoursal Use : An reduced
    form of the job title more usually expressed as air traffic controller describing
    the person in control of planes landing and taking off at an airport. Probably
    abbreviated because fully stated in earlier text (which is also suggested by
    the simple use of the controller in the first sentence). This
    reduction of the full phrase prevents unnecessary repetition  which might
    make the text boring.

    §  Syntactic Use : Part of
    noun phrase "the traffic controller" : controller =head of the phrase, traffic = part of the pre-head. The full noun phrase acts as subject of the clause.


    A surge of terror

    Form/Use: Noun phrase
    consisting of indefinite article 'a'
    used as a determiner in the noun phrase 
    + singular, countable noun 'surge'
    postmodified by a prepositional phrase (preposition 'of' = head of the phrase + complement : singular, uncountable noun
    'terror' –

    Syntactic Use: used as direct
    object of verb 'felt'.

    Semantic Use : Metaphoric use of
    surge”. Literally, surge = a sudden movement forward, and
    the verb is often used in this literal sense - eg the crowd surged into
    the square
    . However, the noun tends to be used metaphorically to indicate a
    sudden increase in something.  As here, it often collocates with emotions
    (a surge of terror / anger / resentment / optimism etc )  to
    indicate a sudden strong feeling, but has a wide variety of uses. Here are
    some, found on
    Lextutor,  from just one corpus of academic English
    (BAWE) :

    001.  In particular, the recent SURGE of regional trade agreements (RTAs):"about 162 RT [politics]

    002. ... be argued that a variety of factors gave rise to the SURGE of recent regional projects and motivated states  [politics]

    003.. A SURGE in the number of political offices was to be expected [history]

    004. ...the 'renewed SURGE of feminization of labour activity'. This surge has... [sociology]

    005.... the huge SURGE of international trade and foreign direct investment [sociology]

    006.  The 1990s witnessed a notable SURGE of interest and activity in both regions and regi [politics]

    007....youth and womens groups that sprouted in the SURGE of working class participation.  [us_studies]

    008. This is largely due to rapid capital accumulation, a SURGE in the number of hours worked and faster growth  [economics]

    009.  ...the SURGE of domestic tourism is expected to raise 15-20% i [hospitality]

    011....a rise in income may lead to a sudden SURGE of satisfaction, but we soon become accustomed to [psychology]

    012. In reality, a SURGE of activity could be expected during the last few [business]

    013.... this sudden SURGE of patriotic feeling towards America translated d [politics]

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