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Using Coursebooks in the Classroom

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    This post is based on material originally used in our Delta Module One course, and looks at the advantages and disadvantages of basing your course on a textbook,  the alternatives to doing so, and how the textbook might be modified to overcome the disadvantages.

    Using Coursebooks in the Classroom

     a) i. What
    are the advantages of basing courses on textbooks?

    1. Richards points out that they provide
    structure and a syllabus for a program. Without textbooks a program may have no
    central core and learners may not receive a syllabus that has been systematically
    planned and developed. Clandfield adds that this can
    give a course a sense of security, of purpose and achievement as the class
    advances through the book.

    2. They help
    standardize instruction. The use of a textbook in a program can ensure that the
    students in different classes receive similar content and therefore can be
    tested in the same way (Richards) In addition, if halfway through a course a
    learner wants to change class or the group’s teacher has to be changed, the
    student or teacher knows exactly what has been covered up to that point and con
    continue from where the previous course/teacher left off.

    3. They
    maintain quality. If a well-developed textbook is used, students are exposed to
    materials that have been tried and tested, that are based on sound learning
    principles, that are paced appropriately (Richards), that provide graded content suitable for the learners’ level, a
    full syllabus that covers language skills and language systems, and a source of
    ideas and methodology. Modern teacher’s books come packed with extra ideas,
    tips and language explanations, plus “step-by-step” Teacher’s Guides. This kind
    of material can help teachers improve their teaching and knowledge of language
    lesson by lesson (Clandfield), and is particularly valuable for inexperienced
    staff, contributing to their continuing professional development.

    4. They provide a variety of learning
    resources. Textbooks are often accompanied by workbooks, CDs and cassettes,
    videos, CD ROMs, providing a rich and varied resource for teachers and
    learners. This “up-to-date aspect” can be engaging
    for learners. (Clandfield)

    5. They are
    efficient. They save teachers time, enabling teachers to devote time to
    teaching rather than developing syllabuses and materials (Clandfield) – again,
    something that inexperienced teachers may not yet be capable of doing

    6. They can
    provide effective language models and input. Textbooks can provide support for
    teachers whose first language is not English and who may not be able to
    generate accurate language input on their own. (Clandfield)

    7. They are visually attractive and appear
    “professionally produced” Commercial textbooks usually have high standards of
    design and production and hence are appealing to learners and teachers. (Richards)
    yet again contributing to the learners’ feeling that they are following a
    quality course.


    a) ii. What are the disadvantages
    of basing courses on textbooks?

    8. They may
    contain inauthentic language: Textbooks sometimes present inauthentic language
    since texts, dialogues and other aspects of content tend to be specially written
    to incorporate teaching points and are often not representative of real
    language use. (Richards) Examples of this include the type of exponents often
    taught for eg agreeing and disagreeing like “I agree/ don’t agree with
    Riccardo” which may make learners sound stilted when they use them, or grammar
    “rules” that suggest to learners that forms must be used in a certain way when
    the reality is much less clear cut.

    9. They may
    distort content. Textbooks often present an idealized view of the world or fail
    to represent real issues. In order to make textbooks acceptable in many
    different contexts controversial topics are avoided and instead an idealized
    white middle-class Western view of the world is portrayed as the norm (Richards).
    This may not reflect the reality of the learners’ world and makes the book less
    engaging for them.

    10. They may
    not reflect students’ needs. Since textbooks are often written for global
    markets they often do not reflect the interests and needs of students and hence
    may require adaptation (Richards) as eg the syllabus omits items that Ls need
    or includes items which they don’t. For example, the
    majority of modern coursebooks follow a very similar grammar syllabus which
    forms, if not the backbone, then a very important strand of the course (Clandfield).
    This often makes them unsuitable for ESP, BE and 121 courses which need to be
    based on the specific needs of the students, and even in GP courses may leave
    the students unengaged with the language being taught.

    11. They can
    deskill teachers. If teachers use textbooks as the primary source of their
    teaching leaving the textbook and teacher’s manual to make the major
    instructional decisions for them the teacher’s role can become reduced to that
    of a technician whose primary function is to present materials prepared by
    others (Richards).

    12. Richards
    also points out that commercial textbooks are expensive and may represent a
    financial burden for students in many parts of the world.

    13.  Coursebooks often contain too much material to
    cover in an academic year (Clandfield). Language schools where I have taught often tell teachers, for example, that they
    must cover a two-page spread in every lesson, which leaves no time to deal with
    the learner’s real learning needs – full explanation of the language in the texts,
    recycling and consolidation, a focus on emergent language etc.   


    b) i. 
    What are the alternatives which overcome
    the disadvantages

    If a course is based on an initial analysis of learners’ communicative and
    learning needs and wants, a course can be designed to meet these. These may
    draw on published materials (if schools have class sets for group courses, or
    if the Teacher’s Guides include photocopiable material), or may be materials
    produced by the teacher. However, the course will not be “based” on a single
    textbook, thus avoiding disadvantage 10 for ESP and 121  learners.

    A “Dogme” approach can be used. The Thornbury and Meddings book “Teaching Unplugged” provides a series of activities that can be used at various levels
    to stimulate T/S and S/S interaction. Language Focus and practice is then based
    on the “emergent language” which comes up as learners enact the activities.
    Thornbury and Meddings argue that has
    the advantage of engaging learners more, as they are learning to express in
    English what they want to say at that moment, again avoiding disadvantage 10. Thornbury has also
    argued that there is no proof that a systematic “Grammar McNuggets” approach to
    syllabus design is the most effective way to learn a language.

    The course can be based on authentic materials taken from the net or print
    sources on topics which specifically interest the learners -  and possibly provided by the learners
    themselves. The teacher can develop tasks around these materials. Working on
    them again engages the learners more, and also overcomes all the other
    disadvantages (8,9,11,12,13) mentioned in section b.

    In appropriate contexts – eg a state school – CLIL or project based courses can
    be run. The language teacher can liaise with a teacher of another academic
    subject and “shadow” the content being taught, so that the students learn to
    understand, discuss, and/or write about the topic in English. This is another way of
    making the course relevant to the learners’ needs outside the language
    classroom, and is particularly relevant at secondary level where learners may
    be going on to university courses taught at least partially in English – which
    now happens in many countries – and therefore need to develop academic skills
    in English.

    When cost, and possibly quantity of material is an issue (points 12 and 13),
    the textbook can be replaced with courses available (free) on websites such as
    the BBC Learning English site. This has the advantage that the courses are
    designed for self-study, so that even if the web course is too long for the
    time available, the learner(s) can continue working on it independently after
    the taught course finishes.


    b) ii. How can textbooks
    be adapted to overcome the disadvantages?


    17. By modifying
    content (Clandfield) to overcome the problem stated in point 9. Content
    may need to be changed because it does not suit the target learners, perhaps
    because of factors related to the learners’ age, gender, social class,
    occupation, religion or cultural background. For example, the PARSNIPS policy
    followed by most publishers means that by just following the book, elementary
    learners never learn the words for ham,
    pork, wine, beer
    etc and would therefore be unable to recognise them on a
    menu (possibly in order to avoid those dishes) or order them in a restaurant.
    In my adult courses with European learners, I have often changed the menus
    provided for restaurant roleplays in order to include these.

    18. By adding
    or deleting content (Clandfield) to overcome the problem stated in point 13. If,
    for example, the book contains a large amount of “new” material in every unit
    but insufficient controlled practice of any of it, additional controlled
    practice tasks may need to be added. Or a course may wish to focus primarily on
    listening and speaking skills and hence writing activities in the book will be

    19. By modifying
    tasks (Clandfield). Material in the book may also be re-used in a different way
    to recycle language items, again solving the problem mentioned in point 13. Eg.
    If specific lexical chunks have occurred and been focused on in a reading text,
    the teacher may re-use a paragraph of that text in a later lesson (perhaps as a
    dictogloss or running dictation) to recycle them.

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