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Language Matters : Connected Speech

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    Pronunciation changes in connected speech often cause comprehension problems for learners. To help them you need a clear understanding of what the features are and how they affect words in the stream of speech. Check how well you understand this area by working on the following questions. If you're new to the area, click on the links first to see the explanation of the term in the ELT Glossary, and spread them out over a period of time, reviewing each one you've done previously before moving on. That way you won't confuse yourself  

    When you've completed each question, look at this page for the suggested answers.


    Language Matters : Connected Speech

    1. Catenation: Two different types of catenation occur in English and both are
    exemplified in the sentence below. What are they? Write the sentence in
    phonemic script, indicating where catenation would occur:  

    Go and see if "Law and Order" is still on TV or if
    it's already over.

    2. Elision: How many
    examples of elision might occur in the following sentence if spoken at normal
    conversational speed?   I thought we
    might have smoked salmon first, then roast pork and various different
    vegetables, and finish it all off with chocolate mousse and cream.

    Transcribe the sentence in its citation form first and then
    again, deleting any phonemes you think might not be pronounced.


    3. Assimilation


    1.   Transcribe the
    following phrases in phonemic script in their citation form, and then comment
    on and transcribe the instances of assimilation.

    a) a white bag

    b) a pet guinea pig

    c) he's in Peru

    d) he's in Korea


    2.   The highlighted
    words in the  following two examples show
    a different type of assimilation from those in examples a-d. Why? Choose one of
    the six underlined examples, transcribe the word(s) in their citation form,
    then comment on and transcribe the
    changes caused by assimilation.

    a) I have to go, but he has to stay.

    b) Cats and dogs mewed and barked.


    Putting it all together

    Comment on, and illustrate in
    phonemic script, the features of connected speech that might occur in the
    following sentence: 

    do you want me to do about Tom's e-mail?

    As well as the three features analysed above, you'll also need to think about weak forms, yod coalescence and gemination.

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