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Teaching Functionally to Develop Pragmatic Competence

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    article looks at the way teaching functions
    and pragmatic
    in general are treated in contemporary coursebooks and
    classrooms. Whereas these areas were the main focus of any course in the late
    70s and early 80s, looking at the contents page of any contemporary coursebook
    shows that they are generally downplayed. This article deals with three areas:

    the situation has changed
    the advantages of teaching functionally are
    types of activity that can be used to teach functions and develop pragmatic


    So why
    has the situation changed?

    •     "Purely" functional coursebooks (used largely in the early
      1980s) were a reaction to the "purely" structural coursebooks of the
      previous years, which had produced Ls who had a good receptive knowledge of the
      language but were unable to apply it to specific situations. They were
      therefore often aimed at "remedial" learning - showing learners who
      already knew the language how to apply it in specific social contexts. For
      example, learners might know the  simple
      present, the modal could, the adverb possibly and the phrasal verb turn (something) on, but not know how
      to combine them to make a request such as Do
      you think you could possibly turn the heating on. I’m really cold. 
      is, in general, no longer the situation as language use is now given as much
      emphasis as structural form in current approaches.
    •     "Purely" functional coursebooks were ungraded in terms of
      level of the exponents used. This again was fine as remedial work for learners
      who had covered the grammar already, but could cause overload for those who
      hadn't. For example, a unit on Making Requests might cover exponents
      such as  Can you… Do you think you could possibly… Would you mind (+Ving)
      etc all at the same time. They were therefore not suitable for use outside the
      remedial context.  This caused coursebooks to return to a more traditional
      graded syllabus of "Grammar McNuggets"
      (Thornbury) though. As already mentioned, usually now incorporating a focus on
      use as well as form.
    •      Because of other precepts of the Communicative Approach, the influence
      of Krashen’s “Input
      ” and the effect of the Lexical Approach
      (Lewis), coursebooks also drifted towards emphasising a skills based, text-based
      approach where language focus was dependent on the text used. Very often the
      text and the language it contained had no connection with the type of pragmatic
      competence mentioned above and again the textbook  just returned to a
      focus on grammatical form and use.
    •     Pragmatic competence thus tended to be "relegated" to the
      occasional section called something like "Social English" or
      "English in Use". However, various researchers ( eg 
      Ekin and  Barron) have shown that these sections take
      up a minimal part of the coursebook, often exclude specific functions and, I
      would argue, do not meet learners’ pragmatic needs. For example, I have never
      seen a course book that focuses on the difference caused by stress and the positioning
      of the word please between Could you XXX please? / Could you PLEASE
      XXX? and PLEASE could you XXX!

    What are the advantages of
    teaching functionally?

    •      Some
      language clearly lends itself to a functional lesson format – eg asking for and
      giving directions exponents like “Go straight on until you come to the traffic
      lights”. Advantage : If not taught in a functional format, it is
      unlikely that this language would occur in the course.
    •      It
      is an ideal format for mixed ability classes. A range of exponents for
      the same function can be presented, but weaker and stronger ls can be
      encouraged to use those at their own level productively when doing further
      practice and production activities. For example, in a lesson on polite
      requests, weak learners may practise Can
      you/Could you
      + infinitive, while stronger learners practise Would you mind + Ving.
      Advantage for the learners : Weaker learners get the
      advantage of understanding all the exponents receptively without risking
      confusion by  having to use them while
      stronger learners are challenged productively;  Advantage for the
       : The lesson can be differentiated without having to provide
      different activities - thus saving lesson planning time.
    •      It
      is a useful format when teaching learners who have already followed a general
      purpose course, but are about to go to an English speaking country for the
      first time – eg teenagers who are going to attend a summer course in Britain
      and will be staying with host families. Advantage for the learners : Lessons
      on functions such as asking for permission, apologising, introducing friends,
      asking for directions, paying and accepting compliments  etc can give them confidence that they will
      be able to communicate appropriately while they are there.
    •      Some
      functions, eg polite requests, are extremely complex as they involve decisions
      relating to appropriacy
      which – if made incorrectly – can cause offence. These include: the level
      of directness of the exponents used, knowledge of formulaic replies, the place
      of the request in an adjacency
      format – whether it can be made directly or needs a pre-sequence, the existence of preferred
      and dispreferred seconds
      how dispreferred seconds need to be
      expressed etc. This all needs to be taught, as it is culturally determined and
      may not be the same in the L’s own culture/L1. For example, the polite response
      to a compliment in Thailand is silence (showing humility) rather than the thanks
      or downplaying used in English (Oh, it’s
      just something I picked up at the market…)
      Advantage : A functional
      organisation of the lesson is the clearest way of presenting and practising all

    types of activity can be used to teach functions 
    and develop pragmatic

    •      If
      the Ls have met a certain number of the exponents before then a Test-Teach-Test
      format can be used. The learners can be given a situation to roleplay,
      possibly in the form of a conversation
      , where prompts are given for each utterance in the conversation,
       and the teacher can monitor to see which
      exponents they are using and whether they are using them accurately and
      appropriately. This gives the T. important information for the Teach stage –
      s/he can decide whether time needs to be spent correcting, revising and
      consolidating previously known exponents, or whether the Ls are ready to meet
      more complex structures.
    •       Roleplays may also be used for free
      practice in the final stage of the TTT sequence or in the Production stage of a
      sequence. The learners might be asked to repeat the initial roleplay with a
      different partner, but incorporating the new exponents they have focused on.  
    •      If
      the learners are eg beginners and have never met any exponents of the function
      before, then a limited number of exponents, suitable for the level, need first
      to be presented. To do this a recorded dialogue may be used, and after
      gist comprehension work, a transcript with the exponents highlighted  can be used to provide examples for a
      language focus stage. A recorded dialogue can also be used if the Ls
      complete the initial Test stage using exponents they are “comfortable” with. They
      can then listen to and compare their performance with the language used in a
      dialogue using more complex exponents, possibly using a gapped transcript. Both
      the highlighted and gapped transcripts will help promote “noticing”
      (Schmidt) ensuring the language is processed at a deeper cognitive level than
    •      Controlled
      practice activities will be similar to those used for other language systems
      areas. However, repetition work may be particularly important as the
      degree of politeness/appropriacy of a functional exponent is often dependent on
      the stress and intonation pattern used.
    •      Other
      practice activities (or an alternative format for the initial “test” section)
      might be a What would you say?
      activity – which is really a series of mini roleplays. Eg in an intermediate+  lesson on requests, learners have a list of
      five to ten situations such as You’ve just
      realised you left your purse/wallet at home. Ask a friend to lend you £5. / You’re
      at work. Your mother-in-law is coming to dinner and you need to get home to
      cook. Ask your boss if you can leave half an hour early and make up the time by
      working late tomorrow.

    Related Articles on the Notebook

    Teaching Polite Requests : Part One

    Teaching Polite Requests : Part Two

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